SEC Newgate Australia

SEC Newgate Australia has been selected as an Employer of Choice in The Australian Business Awards 2022. The Australian Business Award for Employer of Choice [EOC] recognises organisations that develop workplaces that maximise the full potential of their workforce through established policies and practices which demonstrate effective employee recruitment, engagement and retention.

SEC Newgate is Australia’s largest full-service strategic communications firm for complex issues. Its multi-disciplinary team works to understand the client environment and to build a bespoke communications and engagement strategy that goes right to the heart of the client’s challenges.

Working at the intersection of business, politics and the media, SEC Newgate brings together Australia’s most experienced practitioners in government relations and public affairs, media engagement, corporate communications, crisis management, stakeholder relations and community consultations, social and market research, data science, and digital campaigning.

The national team of more than 100 professionals works with more than 150 clients including corporates, government agencies and not-for-profit organisations. The organisation is signed up to Pledge 1% with a strong history of exceeding this benchmark in supporting not-for-profits and communities through pro- bono and financial contribution.

SEC Newgate recognises that people are what set them apart and are at the heart of their success. The company aims to provide an environment to stimulate and reward staff, where people are supported to contribute ideas and embrace opportunities to achieve their potential. The true value of the business is in the people and so the company places priority on their staff, professional development and overall wellbeing. Consulting is an exciting and dynamic but busy environment so the company has devised structures and policies that consciously watch and support wellbeing and are all about staff satisfaction and development opportunities that are strongly desired by their staff. SEC Newgate doesn’t always get it right but are proud of the high level of employee engagement and satisfaction and are committed to ongoing improvement.

The ‘SEC Newgate Way’ and company core values of excellence, integrity, collaboration and connection form the foundation of the culture and behaviours within the company. The organisation supports diversity and flexibility with 25% of the workforce in part time arrangements, more than 63% of the team (72% at the leadership level) being female, a diverse range of ages and a strong history of growth providing a complement of newer staff alongside longer-term team members.

The company works hard to deliver on a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that recognises and provides genuine benefits to staff, creates tailored and flexible working options, and prioritises wellbeing and professional development. The EVP encourages employees to maximise their career development opportunities leveraging the professional development program and opportunities to support learning and on-the-job experience; focus on maintaining work/life boundaries and their mental and physical wellbeing, and engage with the community through offerings like volunteer leave and a matched giving program.

Being a destination of choice for current and potential employees is a strategic priority for the company. Frequent consultation with the team provides valuable input to continually improve the employee experience and ensure they remain best in class within their industry.

For more information about SEC Newgate Australia, visit

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